A reference article is information-oriented. It provides a structured description of a product: its APIs, classes, functions, configuration options, actions, and so on. Start with a summary of what this reference article is about, and what the items you are describing are used for.
Describe what each option is used for:
- -o, --open
Opens a file.
- -c, --close
Closes a file.
- -v, --version
Displays version information.
- -h, --help
Displays help.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Space
Procedure's title
Step 1.
Step 2.
- Expanded by default
This is the definition of the first term.
- Collapsed by default
This is the definition of the second term.
- Second Term
This is the definition of the second term. Send an HTTP request.
- First Term
This is the definition of the first term.
To output a line on the screen use echo "Hello world!"
To output a line on the screen use echo "Hello world!"